Tips for coping with a heat wave

You’ve probably heard that July 2019 was the warmest month ever recorded on the planet. What if you don’t have air conditioning in your home?

There are some tried-and-true techniques that you may already know about — taking a cold shower, going to an air-conditioned movie theatre, and installing ceiling fans. But there are some additional strategies you may never have thought of.

Turn off incandescent lights

Incandescent bulbs put out quite a bit of heat — in fact, more of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat than is converted to light! This is smart even if you do have air conditioning, as it will reduce the work your air conditioner has to do.

Eat easy-to-digest foods

High-protein meals make your body work harder to digest them, thus increasing the heat created by your metabolism. Have a nice cool salad or soup such as gazpacho.

Freeze your sheets

It’s always harder to fall asleep when you’re too warm. An hour or two before bedtime, put your sheets in the freezer. They’ll get nice and chilly and make you feel much cooler when you climb into bed.

Stay hydrated

When the temperature gets hot, your body loses water. It is important to replenish it with plenty of fluids. Our bodies are about 60% water. We can live without food for 3-4 weeks, but we can go without water only for 3 days or so. Drinking cold liquids also helps cool the body.

Reduce alcohol and caffeine

While it may not do much in the way of giving you immediate relief from the heat, reducing your alcohol and caffeine consumption can be important for your health and well-being during a heat wave. Since alcohol and caffeine are both diuretics, consuming them can lead to dehydration, which can be dangerous when temperatures are high. Drink lots of cold/iced water instead.

7 ways to get the most from your air conditioner

Regardless of whether your air conditioner is newly installed or in need of some maintenance after years of service, it’s best to use it to its maximum efficiency. Here are some easy, simple tips for how to save both energy and money when using your A/C:

1. Keep your home sealed and secure

Cracks or openings in your door and window frames can both let in hot air from outside and allow cool air to escape your home. Similarly, gaps in your air ducts will allow the crisp indoor air to seep into the attic and then to the outside. Check to make sure all unwanted openings are sealed and be sure to repair those that aren’t.

2. Use a ceiling fan to its utmost efficiency

Compared to even the best air conditioner, a ceiling fan will always use a much smaller amount of electricity. Not only that, but they can cool a room down a couple of degrees, enabling you to let your A/C run a little higher. To get the most from your ceiling fan, make sure its blades travel counterclockwise.

3. Reprogram your thermostat

Usually, new air conditioners will come with programmable thermostats, which are highly useful and powerful. However, as the weather changes, adjust your thermostat’s temperature to suit its environment.

4. Use hot appliances during the coolest times of the day

Appliances like your oven or dryer create heat when used, so try to use them in the early morning or late evening when the outside is at its coolest. If possible, line dry your clothes to help your air conditioner and the environment!

5. Open windows when it’s cool and close them when it’s hot

To save energy (and therefore money!), give your A/C a rest in the early morning and late evening by opening up your windows and letting in the fresh air. Plus, the morning and evening breezes can dispel indoor allergens and stuffy air. However, be sure to close up those windows and curtains during the day to insulate your home from the scorching heat.

6. Be sure your air conditioner fits the size of your space

Money is often wasted when your air conditioner is too big for the room or house it occupies. Inversely, an air conditioner that is far too small will be inefficient due to strain. Keep this in mind when getting an A/C installed in your home.

7. Clean or change your A/C’s filter every month

This is the most important (and simple) air conditioner maintenance there is! However, it’s very easy to forget. Set reminders to change your A/C’s filter at least once a month, possibly more often if you have pets.

RC Mechanical is Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor. We use state-of the-art software to make sure you are getting the right air conditioning system for your home — and our a/c repair & installation experts will ensure your air conditioning system is installed correctly. Call us today at 650-575-3915.

Why is my air conditioner leaking condensation? Is it malfunctioning?

Air conditioners generate moisture as part of their operation. Normally this condensation is directed out of your home via a pipe. If your air conditioner is leaking moisture into your home, this is a sign of a problem. There are several reasons an air conditioner might be leaking condensation.

Air conditioner is rusted through

The drain pan in the air conditioner might be rusted through or otherwise damaged. If this is the case, you will need to replace the drain pan.

Drain line is clogged

There could be clog in the condensation drain line. Water can back up into your home if the pipe is clogged with dirt, dust, or sludge. You can try using a wet/dry vacuum on the drain line, or call an HVAC professional to clear the line with specialized equipment.

The air filter is dirty

The air filter could be dirty. When the air filter is dirty, the evaporator coil doesn’t get the air flow it needs, which can cause it to freeze. Then when the evaporator coil melts, it might generate more moisture all at once than your air conditioner deal with. If this is the case, replace the air filter. In general, the air filter on your air conditioning should be replaced every few months.

You have a broken pipe

The condensation pump could be broken. The pump is what directs the water out of the air conditioner into the drain line. You will need to have the pump repaired or replaced.

For these issues and any other problems with your air conditioning, call us.

RC Mechanical is Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor. We use state-of the-art software to make sure you are getting the right air conditioning system for your home — and our a/c repair & installation experts will ensure your air conditioning system is installed correctly. Call us today at 650-575-3915.

What is the 20° rule and why is it important for my A/C?

As summer gets into full swing and temperatures across the country rise, many people with air conditioning systems in their homes consistently set their thermostat to about 70° Fahrenheit. While this allows for a comfortable space in which to take refuge from the heat, when the outside temperature is upwards of 90°, cooling the house to 70° can be quite a challenge for the AC.

Air conditioning working overtime

Most HVAC systems have two jobs: to cool and to maintain humidity levels. The standard humidity that most HVAC systems aim for is around 45-55%. However, when the temperature outside is high and the system is working hard to cool, it has less ability to regulate humidity. The result is that the system works overtime trying to maintain conditions inside the home, using a much larger amount of energy than normal and placing strain on the system that contributes to premature wear.

Setting your thermostat

In order to avoid this, it can be a good idea follow the 20° rule. The 20° rule is a rule of thumb that states that an AC system should not be set any lower than 20° lower than the outside temperature. For example, if it is
95° outside, then the thermostat should be set 75° or higher, but no lower than that. Therefore, the maximum amount of work the AC has to do is cooling 20°. By following the 20° rule, you keep your HVAC system in prime condition by not forcing it to work harder than it comfortably can. Of course, every HVAC system is different, so the 20° rule may vary based on your location, the model of AC you have, and the size of your home.

Problems with the 20° rule

The obvious problem with the 20° rule is that if it is exceedingly hot outside, it might not be cool enough inside. For example, if it’s 100° outside, then the inside temperature would be 80°, which is a higher temperature than most people would prefer. The solution to this issue while still keeping your HVAC system healthy is to take other measures to cool down your house, for example:

• Install a ceiling fan or multiple ceiling fans
• Hang drapes or blinds to reduce the heat that comes through windows
• Install heat insulation

Applying the 20° rule in your home

By following the 20° rule, you can greatly reduce the amount of energy you use and the amount of maintenance needed on your HVAC system, therefore lowering the overall cost of your air conditioning.

Since every situation is different, the 20° rule may vary based on your location, the model of AC you have, and the size of your home. Call RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, and our a/c installation/repair technicians will use our state-of the-art software to make sure you are getting the right-sized air conditioning system for your home. Call us today at 650-575-3915!

Improve Indoor Air Quality To Reduce Coronavirus Risk

Now that we’re spending more time indoors due to shelter-in-place, it is important that the air you and your family breathe is healthy and clean.

While there are several ways to limit your exposure to the coronavirus (hand washing, etc.), let’s focus here on how your home heating and cooling systems can play a role in a cleaner and healthier environment.

Upgrade Your Air Filters

According to the Center for Disease Control, the virus is mainly spread by large droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing. Your HVAC system’s air filters are the “face masks” of your home. They catch airborne particles but do not kill them. To reduce the risk of airborne exposure, consider upgrading your the air filters in your air conditioner and furnace. Higher density filters will trap airborne particles before they reach the air you breathe. Ask your HVAC contractor for the best air filter for your needs.

Change Your Filter More Often

A better air filter collects more particles. Especially when more of us are staying indoors, our filters will need to be replaced more often. If someone in your family is ill, consider changing your filters more frequently to minimize recirculating airborne particles.

Control Your Home’s Humidity

Keep your home’s humidity between 40-60% because viruses are least viable in this range. Several factors can improve your home’s humidity: installing insulation, installing a humidifier, and plugging leaking windows and doors. A skilled HVAC technician will conduct a thorough inspection and can recommend the best options to control humidity in your home so it remains within the recommended range.

Schedule an HVAC Assessment

A skilled HVAC technician will inspect your furnace and A/C systems for leaks and damage, checking your ductwork for proper alignment and ensuring it is fully sealed. Leaking ductwork forces your air conditioner and furnace to overwork, leading to higher energy bills. A well-maintained HVAC ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the air filters. They play a critical role in trapping allergens by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home.

RC Mechanical Can Help

HVAC contractors are essential service providers. RC Mechanical can help you manage these indoor air quality risks and make recommendations to increase air quality.

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your air conditiong, heating, and indoor air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting and installing the right air conditioner, replacing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective HVAC service. RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs. Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

Breathe Cleaner Fresher Air This Spring

allergy free air Covid-19

Spring brings longer days and warmer weather. But spring can also bring miserable sniffling and sneezing for the 50 million Americans who suffer seasonal allergies. Eight out of 10 people in the United States are exposed to dust mites. What to do? Improve the air quality in your home to reduce allergy triggers.

What are the main sources of indoor allergens? Some of the biggest factors that affect home air quality are:

  • Pets
  • Wall-to-wall carpet
  • Damp areas
  • Soft furniture
  • Bedding

To make sure you and your family breathe easier this Spring, check out these four ways to improve indoor air quality:

Replace your air filters

The air filters in your AC and heating system are your first level of defense against bad air quality. The increased level of pollen in spring can overwork your air filters so be sure to clean or replace them more often. If your filters need to be replaced, check our tips on how to choose the right filter for your home.

Schedule an HVAC tune-up

Spring cleaning should also include an inspection of your furnace and air conditioner. A skilled HVAC technician will inspect your equipment for leaks and damage. A well-maintained HVAC ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the furnace and A/C air filters. They reduce allergens in your indoor air by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home. RC Mechanical’s HVAC technicians will also check to ensure you have a properly sized heating and air conditioning system for your home and will make recommendations to increase air quality and save you money. We take pride in going above and beyond to make sure you don’t spend money on what you don’t need.

Add an air purifier

What’s the difference between an air filter and an air purifier? An air filter simply catches the particles. Air purifiers actively clean the air through ionization. Air purifiers are better at removing pollutants such as bacteria, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, spores, and viruses than the standard air filter. One happy client raved that she was able to “taste the clean air”! Ask us about installing a whole-house air purifier. Our expert technicians are the best in the business and will recommend the best air purifier that is compatible with your air filter and A/C or furnace so all work together to give you fresher, cleaner air.

Clear and clean the registers

When was the last time you cleaned your furnace or air conditioner’s registers and grates? If these have dust accumulation, dust circulates into the room and can worsen allergies and asthma. Don’t forget to check that nothing is blocking the registers, such as furniture, drapes, or toys. Keeping the register areas clear enables your home’s air to be better distributed in the room. To clean your registers, simply wash them in your sink with warm water and mild soap. Leave them outside to air dry or pat dry with a lint-free cloth.

Ready for a cleaner fresher Spring?

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your heating, cooling, and indoor air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting a new air conditioner, installing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective service.

RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs.

Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

Do I need to clean my ducts?

If the ductwork has no leaks, you never need to clean your ducts!

Our top priority is your health and safety. That’s why we’re taking extra care in reducing risk to you and your family through these safety procedures.

Spring cleaning often includes a deep clean of your home. Sweep out the gutters. Check for leaks and water damage. How about cleaning your air conditioning and furnace ducts? Surely getting your ducts spic and span will promote healthier indoor air, right? Not so fast.

The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends getting your air ducts cleaned only in special situations:

  • If there is mold growth inside ducts
  • If the insulation in your air ducts get wet or moldy
  • If ducts are infested with rodents or insects
  • If ducts are clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris

What should you do instead? First, diagnose the problem properly.

At RC Mechanical, we focus on fixing the root problem with your A/C or furnace, not just the symptoms. We address the underlying causes of A/C and furnace issues. Otherwise the problem will recur and cost you more money. You may end up installing a new A/C or furnace unnecessarily. And addressing the underlying problems starts with a thorough inspection.

Schedule an HVAC Assessment

Getting a thorough assessment of your furnace and air conditioner will determine if you need your ducts cleaned or replaced. If there is excess debris in your ducts, chances are this is caused by a leak in your HVAC ductwork. We will conduct a thorough inspection of your furnace and air conditioner to identify the root problem before recommending the best solution for your situation.

If the ductwork has no leaks, you never need to clean your ducts! Cleaning them will unnecessarily blow dust particles into your home.

The EPA also recommends preventing water and dirt from entering the A/C or furnace system as the first priority. It is more important to look for leaks than for dust in your ductwork system. A leaking ductwork forces your air conditioner or heating system to overwork which can lead to higher energy bills.

A well-maintained A/C or furnace ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the air filters. This reduces allergens by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home.

If Your Ducts Do Need Cleaning or Replacing

If an HVAC inspection uncovers mold, rodents, or excessive amounts of dust in your ductwork, this could require cleaning or replacing your ducts.

When hiring an HVAC contractor, ask that they provide you with before-and-after photos of the ducts so that you have assurance that the ductwork does have a problem(s) and that the problems have been fixed.

Ensure that the HVAC contractor cleans ALL components of the heating system or air conditioner, not just the ducts. Failure to clean one component can contaminate your entire air conditioner or heating system. This would erase any benefit your HVAC system received from the duct cleaning.

RC Mechanical Is Your Trusted HVAC Contractor

For over 20 years, RC Mechanical has been a trusted HVAC contractor for homeowners on the Peninsula and throughout the Bay Area who rely on us to deliver high-quality service. We’re taking these extra precautions to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees.

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your indoor comfort and air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting a new air conditioner, installing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective HVAC service. RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs. Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

Keeping Warm at Night

The San Francisco Bay Area enjoys mild winters. However, in the first weeks of this month, temperatures plummeted to the 30s for cities along the Bay like Redwood City, San Carlos, and Burlingame.

Are you and your kids not sleeping well because everyone is cold? Here’s what to do to make sure your house is comfortable:

Check for leaky ducts

When rooms don’t stay warm, there may be leaks in your furnace ducts. This causes your furnace to work harder and take longer to get to the desired temperature.
If some rooms stay warm but other rooms feel cold, then you may have a furnace air flow problem. We can correct this by adjusting the furnace air that blows into each room. We do this through automatic zoning so you are warm and cozy wherever you are in your home.

Change your furnace filter

Dust and dirt prevent free air flow through the heating system. This could make the furnace’s heat exchange overheat and turn itself off.

Check the time on your thermostat

Did you adjust the thermostat for daylight savings time? Set your furnace thermostat to “On” instead of “Auto.”

Do you have the right size furnace for your home?

Our experts can determine the right size of furnace is most appropriate for the size of your home and the Bay Area climate. An overpowered furnace drives up heating bills, while an underpowered furnace struggles to keep you warm on cold days. We can help you evaluate whether it is time to replace your existing furnace and install a new heating system.

Get an inspection for your heating system

Your HVAC system is like your car and needs regular checkups and maintenance. Maintenance can lengthen the life of your furnace.

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your furnace issues, and recommend repair or replacement. RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs. Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

Our safety procedures during COVID-19

RC Mechanical appreciates the trust you place in us when you allow us into your home. Our highest priority is your health and safety. Given the current public health situation in Redwood City and the rest of San Mateo County, we want to make you aware of the safety procedures we have implemented.

When visiting your home to install, replace, or repair your air conditioner or furnace, we take the following precautions:

– Wearing full-mask respirator, gloves, and shoe covers
– We don’t come inside your house unless absolutely necessary
– We try not to touch anything in the house unless absolutely necessary
– We clean everything we touch
– While we are always pleased to see you, we won’t be shaking your hand at this time
– We ask that you open all needed doors and turn on necessary lights for us
– We will maintain a minimum 6-feet distance
– If we experience any symptoms of illness, we will stay home and self-quarantine

We are grateful for the opportunity to help with your heating, cooling, and air quality issues, and to help keep you safe and comfortable. If you have any questions, please call us at 650-575-3915.

6 ways to prepare your home for summer

Before you know it, the summer heat will be upon us. With a little bit of preparation, your home will be ready to keep you comfortable through the dog days of summer.

Turn your AC on early

Turning on your AC will allow you to find out if it is in working condition. If you hear the equipment cranking up, then it is working. Then go to each register in the house to make sure that cold air starts getting blown in within 5 minutes. If not, then there is a problem. Call your AC technician to schedule an appointment.

Change the filter

Filters clean the air of some impurities before that air is forced into the home. A cleaner filter means that the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioner) will be able to move the air through the filter effortlessly. This leads to not only cleaner air, but also more energy efficiency leading to lower utility bills. A dirty filter, on the other hand, will make the HVAC work harder to push air through the filter leading to a higher utility bill and a stressed HVAC system.

Change the filter in the spring to help your AC running smoothly throughout the summer and check the air filter every month. If it is dirty, replace it.

Keep area around AC clean

AC works by pulling in air from its surroundings, cooling the air, and then forcing the air into the house through the ducts and vents. If the AC is installed outside the house, there should be at least 2 feet of clearance around the equipment. Make sure that there are no plants growing within 2 feet of the AC and clear out any yard debris from around the equipment to ensure proper air flow.

Do a visual inspection of the equipment, and if any coils look like they are frayed, then it is in need of repair. You may need to call your HVAC technician for help.

Close your windows

Curtains, blinds, and drapes are not only for aesthetics, but also serve a purpose. They block the harsh sun that can otherwise damage wood floor and furniture over time. They also help keep the house cooler by blocking the sun. A cooler house means that the HVAC has to do less work to keep the home comfortable, leading to a lower utility bill.

Clear and clean the registers

Make sure nothing is blocking the registers, such as furniture, drapes, and other items. Keeping the register area clear would enable the air to be better distributed in the room.

Over time, register grills can accumulate dust and grime. When the air is forced into the house, these get blown everywhere, which can affect people suffering from asthma and other respiratory ailments. Be sure to keep these grates clean with soap and water.

Schedule an HVAC tune-up

It is a good idea at the beginning of the season to get an HVAC technician to inspect your equipment to make sure there are no leaks or other damages. The technician should also be able to inspect your ductwork for proper alignment and to make sure that it is fully sealed.

Call us today at (650) 575-3915 to make an appointment. We’ll keep you cool and comfortable through the summer.