Replace gas furnace with an electric one

Gas furnaces are the most common way to heat your home in the US. Gas is cheap and is available in abundant supply. Gas is considered clean energy because burning gas emits very few pollutants.

In spite of these wonderful advantages, gas is still a fossil fuel. So extraction, processing, and transportation of it takes money and resources. This also makes it a non-renewable resource.

Even though burning gas produces fewer pollutants compared to other fossil fuels, it still emits co2 and other pollutants into the air. And burning gas produces CO as a by-product which is a silent killer.

A California state board has voted to phase out gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in California by 2030 in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint and cut down on pollution. Learn more here.

People don’t have to replace their gas-fueled furnaces yet, but when it breaks, they may have to replace it with an electric one.

While gas-fueled furnaces are widely used and effective heating systems, there are some potential downsides to consider:

Combustion Byproducts: Gas furnaces produce combustion byproducts, including carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can be dangerous in high concentrations. It’s essential to have proper ventilation and regularly maintain gas furnaces to prevent the risk of CO leaks.

Safety Concerns: Gas furnaces involve the use of a flammable fuel, and there is a risk of gas leaks. Regular maintenance, proper installation, and the use of carbon monoxide detectors are crucial for ensuring safety.

Environmental Impact: Burning natural gas releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. While natural gas is considered a cleaner-burning fuel compared to some alternatives, it still contributes to climate change. As a result, there is a growing interest in electric or renewable alternatives to reduce the environmental impact.

Dependency on supply lines: Gas furnaces rely on a steady and reliable supply of natural gas. Disruptions in the gas supply, whether due to natural disasters, accidents, or other factors, can affect the heating system’s operation.

Cost of Gas: The cost of natural gas can vary, and it is subject to market fluctuations. Homeowners using gas furnaces may experience changes in heating costs based on the price of natural gas.

Installation Limitations: Gas furnaces require proper venting systems, which can limit installation options. Adequate ventilation is essential for the safe operation of a gas furnace, and this requirement can affect where the furnace is placed within a home.

Benefits of an electric furnace

Converting a gas furnace into an electric one can offer several benefits depending on your specific circumstances. Here are a few reasons why people might consider this conversion:

Environmental impact: Electric furnaces are generally considered more environmentally friendly compared to gas furnaces because they produce zero direct emissions at the point of use. By using electricity generated from renewable sources, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and greener environment.

Energy efficiency: Electric furnaces can be highly efficient, especially if paired with a well-insulated home and energy-efficient components. They convert nearly 100% of the energy they consume into heat, whereas gas furnaces lose some energy through the combustion process and venting. Higher efficiency means lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

Safety considerations: Gas furnaces require proper venting and regular maintenance to ensure the safe operation of the combustion process. By switching to an electric furnace, you eliminate the risks associated with gas leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning, or combustion-related accidents. Electric furnaces do not have open flames or combustible fuel, making them inherently safer.

Long-term cost savings: Although the upfront cost of installing an electric furnace might be higher than a gas furnace, the long-term operational costs can be lower. Electric furnaces typically have fewer maintenance requirements, and with increasing availability of renewable energy, electricity costs may become more stable and predictable compared to fluctuating gas prices.

Energy independence: By relying on electricity to heat your home, you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and the volatility of gas prices. You can take advantage of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to generate the electricity needed for your electric furnace. This can provide a sense of energy independence and control over your energy supply.

It’s important to note that the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of converting from a gas furnace to an electric one can vary depending on your location, energy prices, availability of renewable energy, and the condition of your current heating system.

Before making any decisions, it’s advisable to consult with a professional HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) contractor who can assess your specific situation and provide expert guidance.

Prepare your home for the fire season

Every year the fire season seems to start earlier and earlier. Fall is the fire season when hot weather, dry plant materials and gusty winds come together to create an atmosphere that is ripe for fire. During such burnings, the air fills with smoke and the sky takes on an apocalyptic hue. The smoke is filled with particulate matter that can get lodged deep in the lungs exacerbating asthma.

Your home is your refuge. We need to make sure that this smoke never gets into the house. Summer is the best time to prepare for the fire season. Take the following steps to keep smoky air out of your house:

Seal openings with caulk

Sealing openings is the simplest way to keep smoke out of your house. You can use weather stripping, sealant caulk or door sweeps. Weather stripping is a thick tape that seals the gaps around openings of the doors and windows. Sealant caulk fills the gaps created at the time of installation of the doors and windows. These fill the small gaps around the installed area.

Door sweeps seal out the drafts from outside the house. These are installed under the doors.

Get an air purifier

The job of an air purifier is to cleanse the air that is inside your home getting rid of germs, dander, smoke, dust, etc.

Air purifiers use electrostatic filters to attract germs so they can neutralize them. It is important to buy an air filter that doesn’t produce ozone as a by-product. They use filters to trap dander, smoke and dust.

Use HEPA filter

HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air. This type of filter removes allergens, like dander, dust, mold, etc. using multi-layered netting that is made of very fine fiberglass threads. These can capture 99.97% of all air matter that are 0.3 microns and up. These filters require regular replacement. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Use an IQ Air filter

IQ Filter is a brand of filter that is one of the best air filters and hence deserves special attention. These filters can remove particles that are as fine as 0.003 microns with 99.5% efficiency. These air filters give the cleanest air possible. We installed it in one of our client’s homes. This client mentioned to us that one of their guests exclaimed that they could “taste the clean air” in the house after being in the house for a few minutes.

Upgrade your HVAC system

If your HVAC is an old system and it requires maintenance or repair often, then it is time to replace your complete HVAC system. Having an efficient system will not only improve your indoor air quality, you may also be sealing leaks in the duct system that push dirty air into the house.

Want to improve your indoor air quality during fire season? Give us a call at (650) 575-3915. At RC Mechanical, we specialize in improving your indoor air quality.. We’ll walk you through your various options.

Allergies & Asthma

Allergy & asthma

While there may be many ways to treat asthma or allergies, one of the smartest actions you can take as a consumer is to alleviate the various conditions that can trigger the symptoms. Did you know that your HVAC system is part of this ecosystem? By increasing the effectiveness of your HVAC system, you can optimize its efficiency to help reduce allergens that trigger asthma and allergies.

Replace your air filters

One of the promises of an effective HVAC system is to provide clean indoor air. This is done by trapping airborne allergens in your HVAC system’s air filters. Even trapped, these allergens can still lead to allergic reactions or asthma attacks. To address these trapped allergens as well as mildew and mold, it is suggested that you schedule a yearly maintenance for you HVAC system.

Your annual maintenance should start with your air filter since it plays a central role in trapping allergens. Air filter efficiency is measured by the particles it can trap and thus prevent from circulating through your house. The more effective your air filter is, the more particles it reduces in your homes air flow. But that comes at a cost – not just financially. The more effective your filter is, the more stress it places on your HVAC system. It is suggested that you work with your HVAC technician to select the right filter for your system.

Install air purifier

Air purifiers can also help in trapping allergens. They work with your air filter to aid in purifying the air stream to your home by trapping allergens not caught by the air filter alone. You may want to consider a whole-home air purifier that is compatible with your air filter and HVAC system.

Use humidifiers

Using filter and purification technology goes a long way in helping to provide clean air throughout your home. But it is not the only way to address asthma and allergy symptoms. Humidity can also affect asthma and allergy sufferers. Once again, your HVAC system can address this trigger by providing a whole-home dehumidifiers. Dehumidifying technology can address the humidity levels to help create a safe and healthy environment.

Clean the air with UV lamps

UV lamps when used with your HVAC system can sterilize and clean the air before it reaches your living space. They do this by zapping mold, bacteria, and other allergens. UV lamps also prevent fungus from growing in damp areas, such as the AC coil. This technology may be expensive but for households experiencing poor indoor air quality, it may be a viable solution.

Our main goal at RC Mechanical is to help keep your home comfortable throughout the year and free of allergens for you. Call us at (650) 575-3915 and let us help you with your home comfort issues.

Improve Indoor Air Quality To Reduce Coronavirus Risk

Now that we’re spending more time indoors due to shelter-in-place, it is important that the air you and your family breathe is healthy and clean.

While there are several ways to limit your exposure to the coronavirus (hand washing, etc.), let’s focus here on how your home heating and cooling systems can play a role in a cleaner and healthier environment.

Upgrade Your Air Filters

According to the Center for Disease Control, the virus is mainly spread by large droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing. Your HVAC system’s air filters are the “face masks” of your home. They catch airborne particles but do not kill them. To reduce the risk of airborne exposure, consider upgrading your the air filters in your air conditioner and furnace. Higher density filters will trap airborne particles before they reach the air you breathe. Ask your HVAC contractor for the best air filter for your needs.

Change Your Filter More Often

A better air filter collects more particles. Especially when more of us are staying indoors, our filters will need to be replaced more often. If someone in your family is ill, consider changing your filters more frequently to minimize recirculating airborne particles.

Control Your Home’s Humidity

Keep your home’s humidity between 40-60% because viruses are least viable in this range. Several factors can improve your home’s humidity: installing insulation, installing a humidifier, and plugging leaking windows and doors. A skilled HVAC technician will conduct a thorough inspection and can recommend the best options to control humidity in your home so it remains within the recommended range.

Schedule an HVAC Assessment

A skilled HVAC technician will inspect your furnace and A/C systems for leaks and damage, checking your ductwork for proper alignment and ensuring it is fully sealed. Leaking ductwork forces your air conditioner and furnace to overwork, leading to higher energy bills. A well-maintained HVAC ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the air filters. They play a critical role in trapping allergens by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home.

RC Mechanical Can Help

HVAC contractors are essential service providers. RC Mechanical can help you manage these indoor air quality risks and make recommendations to increase air quality.

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your air conditiong, heating, and indoor air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting and installing the right air conditioner, replacing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective HVAC service. RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs. Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

Breathe Cleaner Fresher Air This Spring

allergy free air Covid-19

Spring brings longer days and warmer weather. But spring can also bring miserable sniffling and sneezing for the 50 million Americans who suffer seasonal allergies. Eight out of 10 people in the United States are exposed to dust mites. What to do? Improve the air quality in your home to reduce allergy triggers.

What are the main sources of indoor allergens? Some of the biggest factors that affect home air quality are:

  • Pets
  • Wall-to-wall carpet
  • Damp areas
  • Soft furniture
  • Bedding

To make sure you and your family breathe easier this Spring, check out these four ways to improve indoor air quality:

Replace your air filters

The air filters in your AC and heating system are your first level of defense against bad air quality. The increased level of pollen in spring can overwork your air filters so be sure to clean or replace them more often. If your filters need to be replaced, check our tips on how to choose the right filter for your home.

Schedule an HVAC tune-up

Spring cleaning should also include an inspection of your furnace and air conditioner. A skilled HVAC technician will inspect your equipment for leaks and damage. A well-maintained HVAC ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the furnace and A/C air filters. They reduce allergens in your indoor air by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home. RC Mechanical’s HVAC technicians will also check to ensure you have a properly sized heating and air conditioning system for your home and will make recommendations to increase air quality and save you money. We take pride in going above and beyond to make sure you don’t spend money on what you don’t need.

Add an air purifier

What’s the difference between an air filter and an air purifier? An air filter simply catches the particles. Air purifiers actively clean the air through ionization. Air purifiers are better at removing pollutants such as bacteria, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, spores, and viruses than the standard air filter. One happy client raved that she was able to “taste the clean air”! Ask us about installing a whole-house air purifier. Our expert technicians are the best in the business and will recommend the best air purifier that is compatible with your air filter and A/C or furnace so all work together to give you fresher, cleaner air.

Clear and clean the registers

When was the last time you cleaned your furnace or air conditioner’s registers and grates? If these have dust accumulation, dust circulates into the room and can worsen allergies and asthma. Don’t forget to check that nothing is blocking the registers, such as furniture, drapes, or toys. Keeping the register areas clear enables your home’s air to be better distributed in the room. To clean your registers, simply wash them in your sink with warm water and mild soap. Leave them outside to air dry or pat dry with a lint-free cloth.

Ready for a cleaner fresher Spring?

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your heating, cooling, and indoor air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting a new air conditioner, installing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective service.

RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs.

Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

What you can’t see can hurt you

As part of cooling the house, an air conditioner creates condensation. This condensation turns to water which is collected in the primary drain pan. This pan is inside the unit and is not visible from the outside.

The water in this pan is drained through pipes into the house’s plumbing system.

If there is a clog in the primary drain pipe, water starts collecting in the primary drain pan. When this pan overflows, there is a secondary drain pan that sits outside the unit to collect this overflow.

This auxilliary drainage pipe routes this water outside the house.

Here are some signs that your primary drain is clogged.

– Secondary pan is not dry

You should never have any water in the secondary pan. It should be dry. If it isn’t dry, you can rest assured that the primary pipe is clogged. If the AC is in the attic, the water in the secondary pan can damage the surrounding structure.

– Smell from the attic

The water in the secondary pan can also become a watering hole for small critters. Apart from being unhygienic, this can also lead to stench in the house.

Stagnant water in the secondary pan can also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes leading to unhealthy living.

– Drain pipe to the outside drips water

When you see the pipe to the outside dripping water, you should call your HVAC technician to fix your AC.

If you see any of these signs and you live in the San Francisco’s peninsula area, give us a call at (650) 575-3915.

How to choose an HVAC contractor

HVAC Contractor

When a heater or an air conditioner stops working or seems to have a problem, people tend to think that they need to replace it. Actually HVAC is a system as opposed to a single unit. If any part of the HVAC system isn’t working properly, you will not reap the benefits of the system. So you need to hire someone who can evaluate the whole system and make a recommendation.

There are many handymen who call themselves an HVAC contractor without the necessary credentials. All you need is a van/truck with a big signage on it and people will believe that you are an HVAC contractor. Hiring such a person in the short run could seem like a money-saving idea, but in the long run it could end up costing you more and create unnecessary and avoidable headaches.

Learn how to spot a good HVAC contractor who can help you keep your home comfortable for a long time to come.

Don’t consider someone who will quote you over the phone

When someone gives you a quote over the phone after listening to the issues you are having with your heating or air conditioner, it should be a warning sign for you. This person is probably not a licensed contractor.

An HVAC contractor will insist on coming to your house to check the ducts, registers, insulation, etc. They would do a thorough evaluation of the state of your HVAC system to give you an estimate. It is called a SYSTEM for a reason: it is not just a furnace or an air conditioner. If the supporting structures for these units don’t function well, you can have the best appliance and yet not be comfortable in your home.

When a contractor comes to your house to give you an estimate, be wary of someone who gives you an estimate by just looking at the appliances. Get 3rd party verification from Dept. of Energy (proper sizing of heating and AC) The genuine contractor will want to check the crawl space, attic, ducts, and survey the house before giving you an estimate. If they don’t do this, their estimate and their work could cost you more in the long run.

Select a contractor who is licensed by the Contractors State License Board

In the state of California, anyone who works on HVAC system is required by law to be licensed. The license allows you to manipulate gas lines and electrical & plumbing as it relates to HVAC. A person without sufficient knowledge could endanger much more than just the HVAC system. You may check for someone’s licence at

Being licensed means that you have met a set of minimum requirements for the job, and now are authorized by the state to conduct business in that state.

Most importantly, if a contractor does a shoddy job, you can complain to the State License Board. If you hire a handyman to manipulate your HVAC system and if it ends up costing you more than necessary, you have only yourself to blame.

Get written estimate & warranties

As the saying goes, “The biggest fallacy about communication is that it has taken place.” A verbal quote is liable to be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

Your contractor should send you a written estimate of what the job entails and an estimate of what it would cost to do the work. Everything that will be done should be written down, including anything that will need to be bought.

This is important for 2 reasons. First, you can see if there’s something missing in your understanding of the work. Second, the estimate becomes a legal, binding contract that you can fall back on, if you need to take the contractor to court.

If they warranty parts or work, then you should get it in writing. Find out how long it will take them to come back and fix the issue.

Check the HVAC contractor online

Not only should you check the contractor’s license on the California State License Board, you should also research the contractor online.

Check out the contractor’s website. A website is a place where the contractor gets to present his skills and expertise. You will also learn about the person, how they work, and any testimonials from other clients. The website should certainly have his license on his website.

On websites like Yelp and Google, you should be able to see the kind of work this contractor has done for other people. You will also get a feel for the nature of the contractor – on time, tidy, honest, pays attention to detail, doesn’t talk much, etc.

Increasingly NextDoor is becoming a place where neighbors trust other neighbors’ experiences. These are great referrals because they have presumably used the contractor’s services. Unlike Yelp where you can get spurious reviews, NextDoor reviews are genuine and trustworthy.

Don’t pick a person because they quoted the lowest price

Is it tempting to pick the contract with the lowest bid? Yes!! Should you pick the contractor based on price? No!!!

Even though your urge may be to save a few dollars and pick the contractor with the lowest bid, you will be served much better going with a contractor who has the experience, track record of fantastic installations, and happy clients. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples; the higher price may be getting you better quality of work along with a better service.

Picking a contractor based on price alone could cost you a lot more in the long run.

Get a comfortable home and save yourself money by going with a licensed and trustworthy HVAC company.

Call Sal at 650-575-3915 for quality heating and cooling service. If something happens with a new installation, we will come out right away to fix it.

Do I need to clean my ducts?

If the ductwork has no leaks, you never need to clean your ducts!

Our top priority is your health and safety. That’s why we’re taking extra care in reducing risk to you and your family through these safety procedures.

Spring cleaning often includes a deep clean of your home. Sweep out the gutters. Check for leaks and water damage. How about cleaning your air conditioning and furnace ducts? Surely getting your ducts spic and span will promote healthier indoor air, right? Not so fast.

The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends getting your air ducts cleaned only in special situations:

  • If there is mold growth inside ducts
  • If the insulation in your air ducts get wet or moldy
  • If ducts are infested with rodents or insects
  • If ducts are clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris

What should you do instead? First, diagnose the problem properly.

At RC Mechanical, we focus on fixing the root problem with your A/C or furnace, not just the symptoms. We address the underlying causes of A/C and furnace issues. Otherwise the problem will recur and cost you more money. You may end up installing a new A/C or furnace unnecessarily. And addressing the underlying problems starts with a thorough inspection.

Schedule an HVAC Assessment

Getting a thorough assessment of your furnace and air conditioner will determine if you need your ducts cleaned or replaced. If there is excess debris in your ducts, chances are this is caused by a leak in your HVAC ductwork. We will conduct a thorough inspection of your furnace and air conditioner to identify the root problem before recommending the best solution for your situation.

If the ductwork has no leaks, you never need to clean your ducts! Cleaning them will unnecessarily blow dust particles into your home.

The EPA also recommends preventing water and dirt from entering the A/C or furnace system as the first priority. It is more important to look for leaks than for dust in your ductwork system. A leaking ductwork forces your air conditioner or heating system to overwork which can lead to higher energy bills.

A well-maintained A/C or furnace ductwork system traps indoor allergens in the air filters. This reduces allergens by trapping particles and preventing them from circulating through your home.

If Your Ducts Do Need Cleaning or Replacing

If an HVAC inspection uncovers mold, rodents, or excessive amounts of dust in your ductwork, this could require cleaning or replacing your ducts.

When hiring an HVAC contractor, ask that they provide you with before-and-after photos of the ducts so that you have assurance that the ductwork does have a problem(s) and that the problems have been fixed.

Ensure that the HVAC contractor cleans ALL components of the heating system or air conditioner, not just the ducts. Failure to clean one component can contaminate your entire air conditioner or heating system. This would erase any benefit your HVAC system received from the duct cleaning.

RC Mechanical Is Your Trusted HVAC Contractor

For over 20 years, RC Mechanical has been a trusted HVAC contractor for homeowners on the Peninsula and throughout the Bay Area who rely on us to deliver high-quality service. We’re taking these extra precautions to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees.

RC Mechanical, Redwood City’s best HVAC contractor, is a trusted local company that will quickly diagnose and resolve your indoor comfort and air quality issues. Whether you need help selecting a new air conditioner, installing a furnace, or conducting a home energy audit, you can count on RC Mechanical for superior and cost-effective HVAC service. RC Mechanical is a local veteran-owned business and has provided expert furnace and air conditioning repair and installation to the Bay Area with integrity for over 20 years. Homeowners in Redwood City and throughout the Bay Area count on us for all their heating and air conditioning needs. Call us today at (650) 575-3915 and we will respond within 24 hours.

6 ways to prepare your home for summer

Before you know it, the summer heat will be upon us. With a little bit of preparation, your home will be ready to keep you comfortable through the dog days of summer.

Turn your AC on early

Turning on your AC will allow you to find out if it is in working condition. If you hear the equipment cranking up, then it is working. Then go to each register in the house to make sure that cold air starts getting blown in within 5 minutes. If not, then there is a problem. Call your AC technician to schedule an appointment.

Change the filter

Filters clean the air of some impurities before that air is forced into the home. A cleaner filter means that the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioner) will be able to move the air through the filter effortlessly. This leads to not only cleaner air, but also more energy efficiency leading to lower utility bills. A dirty filter, on the other hand, will make the HVAC work harder to push air through the filter leading to a higher utility bill and a stressed HVAC system.

Change the filter in the spring to help your AC running smoothly throughout the summer and check the air filter every month. If it is dirty, replace it.

Keep area around AC clean

AC works by pulling in air from its surroundings, cooling the air, and then forcing the air into the house through the ducts and vents. If the AC is installed outside the house, there should be at least 2 feet of clearance around the equipment. Make sure that there are no plants growing within 2 feet of the AC and clear out any yard debris from around the equipment to ensure proper air flow.

Do a visual inspection of the equipment, and if any coils look like they are frayed, then it is in need of repair. You may need to call your HVAC technician for help.

Close your windows

Curtains, blinds, and drapes are not only for aesthetics, but also serve a purpose. They block the harsh sun that can otherwise damage wood floor and furniture over time. They also help keep the house cooler by blocking the sun. A cooler house means that the HVAC has to do less work to keep the home comfortable, leading to a lower utility bill.

Clear and clean the registers

Make sure nothing is blocking the registers, such as furniture, drapes, and other items. Keeping the register area clear would enable the air to be better distributed in the room.

Over time, register grills can accumulate dust and grime. When the air is forced into the house, these get blown everywhere, which can affect people suffering from asthma and other respiratory ailments. Be sure to keep these grates clean with soap and water.

Schedule an HVAC tune-up

It is a good idea at the beginning of the season to get an HVAC technician to inspect your equipment to make sure there are no leaks or other damages. The technician should also be able to inspect your ductwork for proper alignment and to make sure that it is fully sealed.

Call us today at (650) 575-3915 to make an appointment. We’ll keep you cool and comfortable through the summer.

4 ways to improve your home air quality

Good air quality inside your home is important to your family’s well being and comfort. Bad air quality can adversely affect you and your family’s health. The effects can range from sneezing to chronic asthma or worse, especially if a family member has compromised health.

These are the four devices that have the biggest impact on your indoor air quality, and you should make sure that they are working at their optimal capacity.

Air filters

Air filters are your first level of defense against bad air quality. A high pollen season (spring) or outdoor air pollution (fire season) can put a lot of stress on these devices.

It may be necessary to change these often, as extended use can put a lot of wear and tear to these instruments. If you are looking to buy a new air filter, be sure to visit for advice on how to choose the right air filter for your needs.

Air purifier

If a regular filter isn’t enough for you, then you should look into an air purifier. Air purifiers differ from air filters in that they actively cleanse the air through ionization, whereas an air filter simply catches dust and other contaminants that go through it. This makes air purifiers better at removing pollutants such as bacteria, pollen, pet dander, dust mites, spores, and viruses than the standard air filter.

IQAir purifier is the industry gold-standard for air purifiers. The IQ hyper-HEPA filter produces hospital grade air. Both are gold-standards in the air purifier industry and produce hospital-grade air. When one was installed in a client’s home, they said that they could “taste the clean air”!


During California summers, the air can get very dry. Chronic dry skin, chapped lips, and getting static shocks often can be a sign of low humidity, meaning that the water vapor in the air is at lower than normal levels. Breathing dry air over a long period of time can lead to respiratory issues.

Your health is not the only thing that can suffer from not installing a humidifier. When a home is excessively dry, paintings, wallpaper, and furniture can all suffer permanent damage.

Installing a whole-home humidifier can prevent all of these issues. In combination with your HVAC, your home will maintain an optimal level of humidity throughout the seasons.

Carbon monoxide detector

One of the most dangerous pollutants is carbon monoxide (CO). It is a colorless, odorless, invisible, and tasteless gas, but if CO leaks into your home, you may suffer from symptoms ranging from headaches and dizziness to a loss of consciousness.

It is vital for every house to have a working CO detector. These devices are available in hardware stores and are easy to install. For them to maintain their effectiveness, remember to change the battery every year.

We at RC Mechanical, take pride in diagnosing and improving our clients’ indoor air quality. If you have any questions or concerns, or are looking for more information, contact us today at (650) 575-3915.